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Found 9 items containing "klezmatics"

Rise Up! - Shteyt Oyf!
Jews With Horns
Rhythm + Jews
Various - Brandwein, Budowitz, Di Naye Kapelye, Klezmatics, David Krakauer Trio, etc.
Klezmer - The Rough Guide To Klezmer
Klezmatics: Shvaygn+Toyt
Itzhak Perlman & The Klezmatics, the Brave Old World, John Williams, Israeli Philharmonic Orch.
A Jewish Violin: The Best of Klemzer & Traditional Jewish Music
Klezmatics, E. Sharp, M. Ribot,J. Leff, S. Steinberg, F. London
The Shvitz
Various (Savian Yannatou, Fortuna, Maurice El Medioni, Klezmatics, Ofra Haza, Sfatayim, etc.
The Hidden Gate - Jewish Music Around The World - 2 CD Set
Chava Alberstein & The Klezmatics
The Well (Di Krenitse)

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Hatikvah Music International / P.O. Box 48739 / Los Angeles, CA 90048
Phone: (323) 655-7083 / E-mail: KlezCorner@aol.com

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